Lucee Tag Reference


Manipulates existing PDF documents. The following list describes some of the tasks you can perform with the cfpdf tag: - Merge several PDF documents into one PDF document. - Delete pages from a PDF document. - Merge pages from one or more PDF documents and generate a new PDF document. - Linearize PDF documents for faster web display. - Remove interactivity from forms created in Acrobat(c) to generate flat PDF documents. - Encrypt and add password protection to PDF documents. - Generate thumbnail images from PDF documents or pages. - Add or remove watermarks from PDF documents or pages. - Retrieve information associated with a PDF document, such as the software used to generate the file or the author, and set information for a PDF document, such as the title, author and keywords. - Create PDF portfolios - Add and remove header/footer from PDF documents - Optimize PDF documents


This tag may have a body.


This tag is also supported within cfscript
		[version=number] {


The attributes for this tag are fixed. Except for the following attributes no other attributes are allowed.
Name Type Required Description
action string No action to take 
align string No Aligns the header and footer in PDF:
- left
- right
- center 
ascending boolean No Order in which the PDF files are sorted 
bottommargin numeric No bottom margin of the text in footer 
copyfrom any No Pathname of the PDF document from which to use the first page as a watermark 
ddxfile string No Pathname of the DDX file, or a string with DDX instructions 
destination string No Pathname of the modified PDF document. If the destination file exists, you must set the overwrite attribute to yes. If the destination file does not exist, CFML creates the file, if the parent directory exists. 
directory string No Directory of the PDF documents to merge. You must specify either the directory attribute or the source attribute. If you specify the directory attribute, CFML orders the documents by filename in descending order, by default. To change the order of the files, use the order attribute. 
encrypt string No Encryption type for the PDF output file 
filter string No file filter, used with attribute directory 
flatten boolean No Applies to forms created in Acrobat only (not forms created in LiveCycle); specifies whether interactivity is turned off 
foreground boolean No Placement of the watermark on the page 
format string No File type of thumbnail image output 
image any No Image used as a watermark. You can specify a pathname, a variable that contains an image file, or a image variable 
imageprefix string No prefix used for each image thumbnail file generated. The image filenames use the format: imagePrefix_page_n.format. 
info struct No Structure variable for relevant information 
inputfiles struct No Structure that maps the PDF source files to the input variables in the DDX file, or a string of elements and their pathname. 
isbase64 boolean No Valid only when the image attribute is specified. Specifies whether the image used as a watermark is in Base64 format 
keepbookmark boolean No Specifies whether bookmarks from the source PDF documents are retained in the merged document 
leftmargin numeric No left margin of the text in header/footer 
name string No PDF document variable name 
newownerpassword string No Password used to set permissions on a PDF document 
newuserpassword string No Password used to open PDF document 
numberformat string No Specify the numbering format for PDF pages in the header/footer.
possible values are:
opacity number No Opacity of the watermark. Valid values are integers in the range 0 (transparent) through 10 (opaque). 
order string No Order in which the PDF documents in the directory are merged 
outputfiles struct No Structure that contains the output files in the DDX file or string as keys and the pathname to the result file as the value. 
overwrite boolean No Specifies whether PDF output overwrites the destination file 
pages string No Page or pages in the source PDF document on which to perform the action. You can specify multiple pages and page ranges as follows: "1,6-9,56-89,100, 110-120". 
password string No Owner or user password of the source PDF document, if the document is password-protected. 
permissions string No type of permissions on the PDF document 
position string No Position on the page where the watermark is placed. The position represents the top-left corner of the watermark. Specify the x and y coordinates; for example "50,30". 
resolution string No Image quality used to generate thumbnail images 
rightmargin numeric No right margin of the text in header/footer 
rotation number No Degree of rotation of the watermark image on the page. 
saveoption string No Save options for the PDF output 
scale number No Size of the thumbnail relative to the source page. The value represents a percentage from 1 through 100. 
showonprint boolean No Specify whether to print the watermark with the PDF document 
source any No PDF document used as the source. 
stoponerror boolean No Valid only if the directory attribute is specified. If the specified directory contains files other then readable PDF files, Lucee either stops merge process or continues. 
text string No text for header or footer, you can add he following place holders within the text:
  • _PAGELABEL: add current page label
  • _LASTPAGELABEL: add last page label
  • _PAGENUMBER: add current page number
  • _LASTPAGENUMBER: add last page number 
  • topmargin numeric No top margin of the text in header 
    transparent boolean No (format="png" only) Specifies whether the image background is transparent or opaque 
    type string No used for action "extractText", defines the format type of the extraction, valid values are: string,xml 
    version number No Version of the PDF used to write the document